Ticket Scaplers, Toby Keith Concerts, and the Law

Thinking about buying Toby Keith tickets online? Don't get taken to the cleaners...basic tips on how to avoid problems with ticket sellers and the law.

Tip #1 When possible, buy from a reputable agent. That goes without saying. First, go to a place like Ticketmaster, type in your desired artist in the search bar. They will give you a list of places and events in the area you want.

Depending on location, you'll see different ticket options. For example, at the Pensacola Civic Center, Pensacola, FL- Tody Keith, you have these options listed below. Copy them, this will give you an idea what the base price is. Just because Main Floor is listed doesn't mean it's available.

Ticket Options
US $39.75 - US $54.75

US $54.75

US $39.75 - US $54.75

US $54.75
Ticket Options

These are your best prices you'll may find.

Tip #2 Buy Early. The early bird does gets the worm

Tip #3 When there isn't much time, try Ebay.

Now if you decide to go the ebay route, here are some helpful tips:

a) Try to buy from someone who knows the area, if possible. They may know the best seats, motel and hotels, and rental car deals. Check their feedback closely (the number next to their user name)

b) You'll pay more on ebay. Absolutely. Get the quality seats, know exactly where your seats are. Don't pay double for 'nosebleed seats' way up top.

Here's the rules on selling tickets

(Quote)When selling a ticket on eBay for an event taking place in a regulated state, sellers are required to disclose the face value of each ticket (face value includes the price of the ticket and any service charge and tax charged by the original ticket provider that is printed on the ticket). Sellers misrepresenting the face value of their tickets may have their listing ended, may be permanently suspended from eBay, and may be subject to criminal prosecution.

For resale of tickets with a face value of $300 or more per ticket (ONLY if the event occurs in a regulated state), sellers must include proof of the ticket face value in the item description in the form of a partial scan of the actual ticket - clearly showing the face value and the event date - or else risk having the listing ended.

Be safe, on my website is a link to the rules for ticket sales in every state. It covers the buyer or seller, in or out of state purchases, and the regulations for each state.

About the Author

Robert Harper owns Harper's Distribution in El Paso, Texas. Robert writes, "I'm a country music fan, and I love talking and writing about country music." Sometimes I find really juicy news (especially if it involves money) and I'll blab it to the whole world. Website: http://www.top-country-songs.com