Tips to Posting Personals

Want to have more fun in your online dating experience? Post your own personal ad! Posting your own ad can be quite an ego booster. Just wait until you open your mailbox to find all the responses. It is a blast! So put on your creativity hat and read these ideas to get your words flowing.

Idea #1 - Be Honest

You know the old adage “the truth always comes out”. Any relationship that is going to be worth starting should begin with honesty. Don’t ruin what could turn out to be an incredible relationship or friendship by starting it out with lies. If you try to hide the fact that your are not perfect, you may miss out on a person that can love you specifically for your imperfections.

Maybe you are a single parent, be up front about it. Your kids are a treasure, not something to hide. You don’t want to start dating someone who has no intention of having kids, so save yourself the heartbreak and be honest about it from the beginning. You will have a better chance at finding a person out there that will love you for the “package deal” you come with.

If you are a little overweight, or not in the best shape of your life… who cares! Just don’t try to say you are something you are not. When you finally go to meet this person, they are going to find out anyway. Why set yourself up with a person who might be disappointed when you could be spending your time talking to someone who will love you for every inch of who you are?

Do you know what type of person you are looking for? Tell them! Don’t waste your time with people who don’t even come close to fitting that mold. If you are looking for someone just to have a sexual relationship with, save the wrong person from the possible heartache by being up front about that too.

Idea #2 - Create a Standout Headline

You need to be sure you shine above the rest so the right person is more likely to check out your profile. With an eye-grabbing headline, you can bring more attention to yourself. Just writing “SWF, 33, lonely” won’t help you. There are plenty of those out there.

Start by browsing other ads. See what catches your eye. Does it make you laugh? Is it direct? Whatever seems to grab you, use that idea. Just don’t copy it word for word. You want yours to be original.

Be sure to know the rules of the service you are using. If you want to write a racy headline, be sure it is acceptable with the service you are subscribing to. Some like Altmatch or Intimate Adults might be fine with it. While others such as eHarmony and One and Only may not. Remember, if you write a racy headline, the people who will come to you will be looking for that type of relationship. If you want something of more substance, keep it clean. However, above all else….make it funny! Nothing seems to keep someone’s attention like laughter.

Idea #3 – Be Optimistic

Let your light and excitement for life shine through in your writing. Negativity is for your therapist, not your prospective lover. Unless you want people to send you referrals to a mental health clinic, don’t let this be a nag session. Smiles are contagious. Let yours show through your words. Remember that confidence without arrogance is one of the sexiest traits a person can possess.

Idea #4 – Be Specific

You need to know who you are and who you want to find before you start writing. Then, when you begin, be sure you are specific in your profile. This will help you attract the right kind of people. If you don’t want kids, tell them. That way a single parent does not waste their time and yours writing to you. If you love to travel let them know so a person who is up to a lot of adventure knows to come your way. Whatever it is…just spell it out clearly.

Idea #5 – Check for Errors!

Check your of spelling. If you write a personal filled with grammar and/or spelling mistakes it is like showing up for a date dirty, unshaven and in yesterday’s clothes. Someone who puts their best in their personal ad will be more likely to put their best in their relationship. Like in any other situation, if you put your best foot forward, you are more likely to end up with good results.

Idea #6 – Pick a Flattering Photo!

In the spirit of putting your best foot forward, pick a flattering picture of yourself to post with your ad. You can take most regular photos to Kinko’s or camera stores and have them digitized for computer use. Some of these online dating services will even let you send them a regular photo by “snail mail” and they will scan it to post for you. Just don’t throw one up there that was taken with your web cam. Those really are never flattering.

Idea #7 – Get Ideas From Friends and/or Family

Have a friend or loved one write something about you to get you started. Sometimes seeing ourselves through someone else’s eyes can be very enlightening. In fact, a female friend of my husband’s wrote the ad that I responded to. Gotta say…it worked!

Idea #8 – BE HONEST!!!

Okay, so I really had only 7 ideas, but wanted to repeat this one anyway. BE HONEST!!!! It will get you better results in the long run.

About the Author

Jennifer Lester is an online dating expert who offers her advice and guidance through the world of online dating at her website: – The tour guide to your online dating experience.