Tomorrow Never Comes

Do you do what comes easy to you and tend to put off some of your
more difficult tasks for later? Most people who procrastinate
put stuff off that they should be doing now. They wait til later
or tomorrow. But they fail to realize that tomorrow never comes.

Tomorrow is always tomorrow. And today is always today. By
putting things off that you know should get done you're leaving
yourself open to put if off again. Procrastination only keeps
you stuck and prevents you from moving forward with your goals.

Some people who procrastinate are perfectionists. They have to
have the perfect mood, the perfect atmosphere and the perfect
whatever to get anything done. The problem with that is they
spend more time waiting for the perfect conditions than getting
anything done.

Instead of waiting for the perfect time, how about just doing it
now so that it gets done? What can you do today to get closer to
your goals? What little steps can you make that can help move
you closer to your goals? A way to help with procrastination is
to pick about three things that you can do daily that can help
you stay focused on your goals.

The forward momentum of doing these tasks daily will help keep
procrastination at bay. By doing these seemingly little tasks
daily you'll be amazed at how much you can get accomplished. And
just think if you would have put it off for tomorrow you would
still be at square one instead of nearing the finish line.

Breaking tasks into smaller pieces works for adrenaline junkies
as well. Adrenaline junkies don't necessarily put a task off for
tomorrow, they wait until their deadline is beating down on them.

These are people who know they are capable of getting the job
done but put if off until they have to do it. They enjoy the
rush of proving to themselves yet again that they can work in
tight situations and succeed. This is a good talent if you work
in a crisis center or an emergency room where being able to react
during adverse situations is needed but not in the everyday

Why bother dumping all of that unnecessary stress on yourself
when you can finish the job ahead of time? By breaking the
project or task down into smaller more manageable tasks makes it
easier in the long run to get accomplished.

Procrastination is a thorn in a lot of people's sides but it can
be removed with a little effort. Before you put something off
for tomorrow - remember that tomorrow never comes.

About the Author

Selena Richardson believes in following your dreams and creating
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