Truth, Justice, and the American Way

TV tells us that one could survive on a deserted island (where there is no food, water, or protection from hurricanes), that an unskilled person (without supplies) could actually catch food in sea water (without being stung, raked over coral, poisoned, electrocuted, or eaten alive). They misrepresent a dolphin's voice and advertise the beautiful beaches of Miami with old takes (leaving mention of the run down, boarded over, roach infested buildings). But mostly, they try to convince us that ungodliness is free choice and politically correct... and what is going to bring us peace, romance, love, and happiness.

Stores advertise 1/2 off sales, but raise prices or keep an extra few cents for themselves. When a limited purchase is advertised, families exit through different registers. Numerous addresses and aliases are used to get more rebates and freebies. 1/2 cent is fudged at the gas pump. What the IRS doesn't know won't hurt us. And, we've all heard the phrase, "Finders, keepers. Losers, weepers."

Yet, let anyone rob us, tell us a little white lie, or (even worse) tell a lie on us and see just how self-righteous we become, "Crucify him! Throw the book at him. He got what he deserved!"

Let’s be thankful that we don't get all we deserve and that truth isn't what America portrays.

TRUTH is a most wonderful thing! It sheds light on all that is pure, right, and just. It gives hope, reassurance, comfort, guidance, direction, and protection. It leads us out of difficult circumstances into personal victories.

God made provisions that all could know truth. It cannot be obtained through wealth or knowledge. There is only one source for truth, either in the voice of God or through His Holy Word … as the Holy Spirit reveals it to you (I Co. 2:12-13). Only then can you ‘know’ truth. And, the most wonderful thing is it sets you free (Jn. 8:32)! We’ll return to freedom once we learn to practice truth and that can only happen when we follow Jesus (Jn. 13:6).

JUSTICE is probably the least likely thing found in today's judicial system. The accused can pass lie detectors, while the accusers fail, and still be sent to prison.

Murder is legal, as long as we call it 'abortion'.

You can be arrested on suspicion, have your name plastered across newspapers, lose your jobs, friends, and reputation, be harassed and subjected to jail with real criminals, and then let go.

The legal system can rip apart your whole life, body, and soul - then say, "Oops, we made a mistake." In other circles this is called abuse, slander, liable, and such. Though, it's perfectly legal under the disguise of ‘Justice’.

When there's a real criminal whose committed a real crime; they're not prosecuted, the legal system gets fumbled, they're arrested before gathering enough evidence to convict, someone feels sorry for them, they're let go in exchange for information, they aren't properly placed for rehabilitation, expensive lawyers get them off, or they're let out early.

But, lest we be too hard on the system, perhaps it would be just as good to admit that we don't do such a great job of judging ourselves... that we're just as tempted to condemn anyone we think suspicious, difficult, different, or wrong.

"Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart, " I Sa. 16:7. Except God gives us the ability to see man's heart, we're way out of our league. "Judge not, that ye be not judged," (Mt. 7:1) is a pretty specific warning for us all.

If we check our heart, attitude, actions, and motives to see how truthful we are and where we've been so ready to condemn others (then, presume innocence in heeding scriptural warning for the shedding of innocent blood), we could consider our responsibility to love others as if we were loving Jesus, Himself (Mt. 25:40). Perhaps, then, we could be proud of "THE AMERICAN WAY".

© by Joyce C. Lock
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.

About the Author

In addition to being a published author and poet, Joyce C. Lock created the religion column, "Christianity Made Simple" for Peru Daily Tribune, continues to write inspirational articles for area newspapers, and shares further in online and e-mail ministries.