When the Wright brothers pronounced that they would be
the first humans to fly, many people said that humans could
and would never fly.

"This time, they carried the glider almost to the top of Big
Kill Devil Hill.

'Ready?' asked Orville.

'Ready,' replied Wilbur from his prone position.

Safely in the air, Wilbur warped the wings. There was
an instant response and Wilbur glowed with joy. But as
the glider curved, he became aware of a new instability.
He adjusted the controls, There was little response. True,
the glider turned. Still - although puzzled, he managed a
safe landing.

On his fifth flight that day, Wilbur became aware of increased
instability. Then the left wing dipped far too deeply. Frantically
he pushed the elevator control. He was too late. The tip of
the wing bit into the sand and he was hurled forward against
the canvas elevator.

The birds all knew the secret of turning while in flight. But
their secret was so deep no one could solve it. People said
it was impossible for a heavier-than-air machine to fly. But
Wilbur and Orville determined to show the world that it could
and would be done."

All of us are faced with impossible situations, from time to
time throughout our lives. But the incredible thing is that
within the word 'impossible' is found another word 'possible'.

The more you explore impossible situations you are going to
discover some possible solutions that will help you to ride
through, over, under or around whatever is standing between
you in your present impossible situation and take you to the
land of the possible.

Here are four sure-fire ways to help you to turn each and every
impossibility you face into a possibility.


Before the Wright brothers ever achieved the impossibility of
flying, many a life was lost by those who sought to fly. In
1896 it is recorded that in the August of that year, Otto
Lilienthal, the German glider enthusiast was killed during a

However, when the two brothers sought a place to experiment,
they knew that they were going to fail and so found a very
safe piece of ground to fail on. They didn't jump off bridges or
cliffs. They found a large flat piece of ground with a good
strong wind, and practiced failing until the day that they could
fly. The place was Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

Because they took risks wisely, they were able to change the
world forever.

I recently had a discussion with a successful property investor
His advice was that before you ever pursue any venture, first
have your exit strategy in place.

Calculate the risk and ensure, that even if failure occurs, that
you will be around to pick yourself up, brush yourself off and
push on once again towards success.



Learn the language of the achiever and the winner. Remove the
words, 'I can't afford it' or 'I can't do that', 'that's impossible' or
'it's never been done before' out of your vocabulary.

By constantly thinking 'outside of the box', you will be setting
yourself up for a rich and prosperous life.


Financial Reality:

If you find that financially you can never seem to make
ends meet, then the best thing for you to do is to have
a financial checkup.

Find out exactly what you are spending and where your
hard earned income is really going.

Prepare a budget. Here is one of many tools available
on the Internet that can help you with the process of
taking hold of your financial reality.


Or go to your favorite search engine and type in
budget planner.

Health Reality:

Obviously we should check the reality of our health. I do
this personally by taking a physical at least once every
two years. I service my car every 10,000 km, so it is a
good idea to take care of the vehicle that I live in 24 hours
a day seven days a week.

Some years back I had a physical that revealed I had
extremely high blood cholesterol levels and by simply
adjusting my diet and adding to it regular exercise, I was
able to rectify that situation before it got too serious.

Spiritual Reality:

I do a spiritual reality check-up every Sunday I go to church.
Not only does it keep my compass pointing in the right direction
for my life, but I often get some great ideas for my future
Motivational Memos.

Obviously there are many other areas of our life that
require regular reality checkups. Make a list and do your
own analysis.



I have a teenage son. When I took over the responsibility
for his education this year I had incredible difficulty in
getting him motivated about reading.

Now for someone who writes books I found it extremely
difficult to understand, but thinking back to when I was
his age I could more readily identify with the dilemma.

I realized that it was important for him to expand his
reality so that he could grow not only in knowledge but
also in wisdom. But how could I find his hot button?

I discovered it. I was reading a book that explained that
one way a parent helped his son to expand his reality was
through the reading of biographies of people who lived the
lives that his son wanted to live.

So from that day on Ben has been reading books, written at
his present reading level and interest, about Albert Einstein,
Christopher Columbus, Johnny Appleseed, Susanna Wesley,
Florence Nightingale, Abraham Lincoln, The Wright Brothers,
Isaac Newton, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson
Mandela, Martin Luther King and the list goes on and on. He
now loves reading and we often talk about the latest great
person that he is learning about.

This interest in reading has overflowed into his writing.
With his renewed confidence he has just created his own
Website, which he wrote, with only a limited amount of
editing from me. And as far as his tutorials are concerned,
the bulk of his students are adults.

Ben's New Website: http://www.webwondersnews.com

Motivational Memo for the Week: Nothing is impossible to
the possible thinker.

© Peter Sinclair, 2000-2003
All rights reserved.

Source Material: The Wright Brothers - They Gave Us Wings
By Charles Ludwig

About the Author

Peter Sinclair is the creator of the 'Weekly Motivational Memo', the 'Daily Motivational Memo' and the original 'Cartoon Motivational Memo'. Complete details about Peter's motivational products, services and his FREE weekly FREE eZine can be found at http://www.motivationalmemo.com