Understanding Weight Loss Motivation

When it comes to weight loss motivation, is it the carrot or the stick? It helps to understand what motivates you to take action. You'll find that you get the results you want more easily.

If the carrot motivates you, then you are thinking about moving towards your goal. You find your goals exciting and you look forward to the end result. You'll notice that you are thinking about how great you are going to look and feel. You can imagine how well your pants will fit and how good you will feel.

If you ask someone with a 'carrot' motivation why losing weight is important they will likely answer "I will have more energy" or "People will notice how great I look". Others can see them as as naive because they tend to see the glass as half full. This is because they are always looking at the good side of things and ignoring potential problems.

If you are motivated by the stick, then you will take action when you find a problem to be solved. Deadlines and threats work really well as inspiration. You are focused on how tight your pants are and how you feel right now.

Someone with a 'stick' motivation is thinking "I want to prevent a heart attack" or "I want to get rid of my gut". They often seem to be too focused on problems. At a moments notice, they will drop what they are working on and give their attention to whatever crisis has surfaced. They are often even perceived as cynical by others.

Do you recognize yourself yet? Which are you? Do you want to lose weight because your clothes are too tight or because you want to look good? Perhaps you are one of the few people who are motivated in both directions at the same time.

If you are a 'carrot' tell yourself "My weight loss goal will take me where I want to go". If you are a 'stick' tell yourself "I won't get anywhere unless I have a weight loss goal".

Here's what to do to get the weight loss results you want. Once you have figured out if you are a carrot or a stick, insert your specific weight loss goal. Then repeat it multiple times every day. This is a form of self hypnosis which will keep you on track to achieving your weight loss goals.