Visualize Your Way to Success

Visualize Your Way to Success

 by: Thelma Mariano

Human beings are visual creatures. Our imaginations are powerful tools that can bring us to the brink of despair or create a wonderful new reality. This is because our subconscious responds to images whether they are real or imagined.

We all use visualization in our daily lives. When we read, our mind automatically translates the words into images of people and places. When we think of someone, we “see” his or her face. We also visualize every time we are afraid. We play worst-case scenarios in our minds like a reel of film. The more we play the film, the larger our fear becomes.

We need to use this ability to create images of what we WANT in our lives.

Successful athletes do this all the time. An Olympic swimmer sees herself emerging from the pool victorious. A long-distance runner sees herself crossing the finish line ahead of her competition.

Want to visualize your success?

· FEEL as if you have already achieved your goal.

Use all your senses to impress the image more strongly upon your subconscious. If you want to attract a better job, SEE yourself in a congenial work environment, FEELING relaxed, happy with the higher pay, satisfied with the work.

· Use visual reminders - pictures, symbols, and dates

If your goal is to work abroad in Italy, put photos of Rome or Venice at your desk. If you want to leave your job by 2006, change your voicemail or computer password to something ending with that number.

When I planned to retire from the workforce, I changed my computer password to “retire2002” and smiled every time I logged on.

A symbol for attracting love could be two linked hearts. If this is your goal, put the symbol where you can see it regularly.

Why do visual reminders work so effectively? “Because,” says comedian and actor Drew Carey, “If it’s not visible and in your face all the time, it’s not a goal. It’s a wish.”

· Create a “dream book”

This means cutting out images from magazines that support your goal or heart’s desire, and arranging them on a page. Use a glue stick to paste them in. Also make a positive statement about what you want (affirmation) in the present tense, to make this even stronger.

If you have more than one dream, use a scrapbook and collage each dream on its own page.

I have a scrapbook that is filled with my collaged dreams, most of which are coming true. I have since discovered that others have done the same thing, with similar results!

Here’s an example of one of my “dreams come true.”

Two years before designing my Dream Achievers Program, I collaged a page in my scrapbook for a future motivational workshop. My affirmation read, “I share tools, techniques and insights to help others lead more fulfilling lives.” Above these words went magazine pictures including the inquiring faces of women, an eagle flying and a lush garden symbolizing growth. I also included words typed on small pieces of paper and pasted onto the page such as “beliefs” “core values” “self-esteem” and “inner child” - some of the different areas I wanted to cover.

I looked through my scrapbook almost every day and FELT I was there long before I knew HOW it would come about! A number of events led to my preparing this program - but making it REAL to myself through visualization is what started it all.

Instead of worrying - do THIS

In my daily life, I also use visualization whenever I want a positive outcome. Years ago, if I were standing in a long line up at the bank, I would get frustrated and worry about being late. Now I visualize the line moving quickly and see myself getting served. Invariably this is what happens. In any case visualizing a positive outcome immediately relaxes me and helps me stay in a good mood!

Copyright © 2003 by Thelma Mariano