War For Peace

; War against war is the only war to be voted for ;....
In the 21st century, all today are aware of the outcomes of war. Destruction, damage, famine, human losses are just a few of the immediate losses human races suffer. But the impact they lay on the generations to come are far greater than these. They are a threat to the peace and harmony of globe all together. Just as a single divorce leads to the over all mental disturbance of all the children and fear of the unknown is embedded into each offspring individually. As a child he tries to find an identification under the roof of homeless being, as a youth he tries to struggle without strength, and soon as an adult he is now fully armed to pay back the losses he had suffered and so he repeats history, pulls down his own fort just as his shade under the fort he found his place in was seized 20 years back. Just as a war between two ended up in another four to five warriors, likewise these four to five warriors gave what they got from life. And eventually fire in one room has ruined whole Rome.
It's a minute's decision to fight, winning or loosing is just an episode. And its influence on the audience is nothing less than world wide war. If only Human could over come this weakness so called rage, anger, fury which sows the seed of enmity and replace this component with that of tolerance, fraternity and harmony, eventually his hate for war would not only kill the only hatreds but his only greed, his only envy he was born with will wilt away. His love for peace would empower and emboss mutual harmony among humankind and there would be no such thing as fear. Apparently, what normally is seen is that what man fears the most is ;'Man'' again. Man has worn the mask of beast for so long, he hardly recalls his naturely being hidden beneath it, which invites and calls for unity.
Its time we surrendered to our own egos, realized the purpose of our being here on the planet. We were not born to fight over lands, to defeat to win, to kill to rule. We were not born to lead, we are here to follow. What to follow is another instinct that triggers war. But why don't we realize we are not just bodies we are raised higher in terms that our being is connected both with earth and sky at a time, bodies emanated from clay, souls breathed into them from heavens above by the King of the Kings.
But why? We are so busy to fight over bread and breed nothing above than visible success encompasses human's wisdom.
Peace of our molded clay being comes from clay again, we feed on food which comes from earth. On the other hand, peace of our lasting souls lies in what was revealed to us from heavens above. In simple terms clay meets the demands of clay, and heavenly bodies' demands are met by heavenly Book Quran.
Many out here, fail to recognize this truth, this reality. But for once if peace is what we are looking for, we have to win the war against our own ego, arrogance and materialism!!!! And prostrate under one shade, the sky, on one ground the earth to one God ALLAH.
O you mankind, feed your souls just as you feed your bodies, you are clay, clay helps you survive one day someday soon you will be back to clay, its only the matter of time. Your soul is heavenly, for its nourishment came to you a guide a book the Quran, and one day someday this soul will return to where it came from i.e. to the Heaven. So feed your souls, strengthen them for just as a weak body ends up in bed likewise a weak soul would end up in hell !!!!

Rafia Ishrat
Info: Name: Rafia

Email: medamaniac@yahoo.com >

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