What's Your Purpose

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What's Your "Purpose"?

Hi Friends!

I recently started coaching a mega-successful entrepreneur who by
any standards has made it big. As we have been getting deeper and
deeper into what life is really about, I asked him a question,
“'What's the purpose of your life?”

For over a minute he just stared at me and then asked, “What do
you mean?”

So I repeated the same question again, and added “What are you on
this earth and journey for?”

He sat there with a blank stare on his face and then started to
cry like a baby. He had never even thought about that question
once. He felt saddened that his life seemed to have little if any

We quickly remedied that feeling by going over all the wonderful
things he had done. Then we really got into his true life's
purpose, and all I can tell you is that now he is so-o-o-o-o-o

As with almost every person I meet, they have not really asked
themselves that question, let alone have an answer for it.

Let me suggest that each one of us is here to do something
special. It is our job to discover what that something is and
fulfill it. For example, here is what I believe is my own

The purpose of my life is to live, to love, to grow and to be
mega-happy. It is also to be a great father to Keenan and Noah
and to love, inspire and serve others.

It has taken me many years of questions, and many refinements to
get my own purpose so clear. The value for me is that once I am
clear about my life's purpose, I can be clear about what I do on
a daily basis. It allows me to feel good about my self and what I
will contribute to this planet before and after I die.

I heard a wonderful visual story a while ago that goes something
like this:

One day God was choosing only 1 person out of a possible 250
million to go to Earth and contribute something great while
there. He asked all of the applicants to write out why they
should be chosen and what they would do on earth if he chose

He then made them promise that they would do everything they
could to fulfill their promises if chosen.

Now, I want you to imagine that God chose you.

Now, go and write out what you would have told Him because you
can still keep your promise.

Remember to laugh and be silly and to create a great life!

About the Author

By: John Assaraf, aka The Street Kid, a New York Times & Wall
Street Journal Best-Selling Author, Trainer & Entrepreneur. Go
to: http://www.thestreetkid.com to discover his "Secrets To
Building A Multi-Million Dollar Business – Guaranteed!" Go to:
http://www.TheStreetKid.com/seminars to register for your
No-Cost eCourse, "The Science Of Making Tons Of Dough."