What Calls You

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Word Count: 718 words
Claudette Rowley

What Calls You?

"It is not, in my estimation, an undue stretch to say that if we
are living lives that are wrong for our spirits, and if we say
no to the calls that could put that spirit to rights, then we,
too...are lost souls."

- Gregg Levoy from Callings: Finding and Following an

Authentic Life

We all know people who have known from birth almost that they had
a calling - to be a dancer or parent or salesperson. A calling
that had a life of its own, a force that was so strong they
couldn't resist it. Here's the truth: We all have a calling,
several in fact. A calling is a vocation in any area of life:
work, relationship, or lifestyle. Our callings or vocations are
the forces that pull us toward being more authentic - toward
lives centered around what we want, and even more important, what
we love.

We can be called to DO something, like train as a surgeon,
publish a book of short stories or start a non-profit venture.
We are equally as likely to be called to BE something as well -
more creative, more compassionate or more truthful. Any calling
we hear is our natural birthright. No calling is better than
another nor is one person more worthy than another to follow
their calling.

Here are three very general steps to identifying and following a

- Listen. The universe is constantly asking us to follow our

callings. When we don't know what they are, it gives us signs

and signals. For example, one client overheard a conversation

in a coffee shop that was exactly what she needed to hear at

the time, as if the words were spoken directly to her.

- Respond. Once we've identified a calling, we need to respond

"yes or no" to it. Sometimes we answer consciously, and

sometimes unconsciously by turning a deaf ear to the calling.

When we hear the calling, but don't respond, the universe

pushes and prods us.

- Take action. All calls must be translated into action at some

point or another. There's an art to the timing of action.

When it's time to take action, the universe will up the ante

until we do.

I'll share an example from my own life. About four years ago, I
knew that one of my callings was to be a coach. I knew it like I
know my own name. I started exploring the field, registered for a
training program and told friends and family. I was taking
action, right? Well, the universe wasn't satisfied. I was still
working at my social work job, a job that I had described more
than once as "killing my spirit." I continued to work there for
the salary. (Let me be clear: sometimes continuing to work for
your salary is a necessary leg in your journey). The universe
upped the ante, and gave me a wake up call. I was presented with
a scenario at work that compromised my personal integrity so much
that I couldn't write my letter of resignation fast enough. A
colleague later commented, "The universe really gave you a swift
kick in the pants, didn't it?" She was right.

Here's a sampling of possible signs that you are being prompted
to follow a calling:

- Synchronicity. For example, three people recommend the same

book to you in the space of the week. The message is clear -

go get the book.

- Wake up call. An unexpected turn of events occurs, for

instance, you become ill, you lose your job or a relationship

ends abruptly.

- Intuition. You know in your gut that there's a new direction

in which you need to head.

- Body signals. Your body is wise, and will communicate with you

when you're not getting the message. For example, if you have

a persistent pain in your neck, what's a "pain in the neck" in

your life? See if the two are related.

Take a look at the spectrum of your life right now. What's
calling to you? Which calls are you answering right now? Is it
time to translate a calling into action? In the end, we are
called to be ourselves more fully - to give expression to what
resounds in our souls.

Claudette Rowley, coach and author, helps professionals
identify and pursue their true purpose and calling in life.
Contact her today for a complimentary consultation at 781-676-5633
or claudette@metavoice.org. Sign up for her free newsletter
"Insights for the Savvy" at http://www.metavoice.org.

About the Author

Claudette Rowley, coach and author, helps professionals identify and pursue their true purpose and calling in life.
Contact her today for a complimentary consultation at 781-676-5633 or claudette@metavoice.org. Sign up for her free newsletter "Insights for the Savvy" at http://www.metavoice.org.