What is Fear Costing You

Last week I had the opportunity to serve as an advisor for

a group of high school students as they went through a week

long Entrepreneurship program. The program was very

educational (for me as well as the students) and the

relationships I formed with the students and other advisors

are very dear to me. What's funny is that I almost didn't

go because the program was in Youngstown Ohio, and I live

in Cincinnati. In order to get there, I had to drive 5


Okay, so some of you are thinking, what's the big deal

about driving 5 hours? For me driving 5 hours by myself

was a very BIG DEAL. I rarely do road trips alone, and

when I do they are generally short trips, less than 2 hours.

Add to that the fact that I had never been to Youngstown

before so it would be a long unfamiliar drive. I was

scared. What if I got lost? What if I fell asleep? What

if I went crazy talking to myself for 300 miles?

As you can tell by the fact that I'm writing this, I made

it to Youngstown and back safely. The trip taught me a few

lessons about tackling fear.

1. Educate yourself. Prior to my trip, I studied the

directions to get there. I wrote the instructions in big

bold print on a 3 x 5 note card for quick reference while I

was driving. The biggest thing the most people fear is the

unknown. By educating yourself about the activity that you

fear, you can take out a large chunk of unknown.

2. Plan for the expected. Falling asleep at the wheel

was my biggest concern. In addition to getting a good

night's sleep, I made 6 CDs of my favorite music and

checked out 2 audio books from the library so that I would

have some variety to keep me awake. Everything you do as

some known degree of risk involved. With proper planning

you can mitigate some of the most common risks.

3. Plan for the unexpected. Prior to leaving for my trip

I made sure my road side assistance program was paid up and

I had their card in my purse. I also took my cell phone

with me and made sure I had the car charger for it. You

can't possibly anticipate everything that could happen to

you on your journey. But you can put safe guards in place

that will allow you to respond quickly to the unexpected.

4. Check in with your friends. On my way to Youngstown,

I stopped in Columbus to have lunch with a friend. This

was a nice way to break the monotony of the ride. Your

friends are there to support you. Take advantage of the

comfort and reassurance they can provide.

5. Allow your friends to check in on you. While I was

driving I turned on my cell phone. Both my mother and my

husband called me to see how my ride was going. Creating

the space for others to check in on you is a great reminder

that you aren't alone on your scary journey. Don't let

pride fool you into thinking you don't need support.

6. Enjoy the journey. During my ride I saw beautiful

parts of my home state that I'd never seen. I received a

little geography lesson learning how the different highways

connect. I sang at the top of my lungs to my favorite tunes

from the 80's. I actually had fun. While there were a

couple of times when I wasn't sure what highway I was on or

the street I needed wasn't on the map, that didn't negate

the joy of the journey.

On my way back, I drove straight home with no stopping.

It wasn't easy but making it to Youngstown a week earlier

gave me all the confidence I needed. I'm not sure if I

would now consider myself a road warrior, but I now have

one less thing to fear.

About the Author

Myrtis Smith, the founder of Premeditated Life is a personal

and career coach. Download her FREE eBook "Your Personal

Success Guide" at www.premeditatedlife.com