What Is Spirituality

Our experiences have taught us to accept what is our reality based on the interpretation of information from our five senses which most of us, end up living as the fullness of our existence. There are those of us who at some point throughout our lives, do question why we are here on earth but manage however, to distract ourselves with a continuous barrage of external stimuli therefore, do not summon the courage or determination to explore the inner awareness of our intangible existence. Believe it or not, most of us go through our lives on automation, like robots really reacting to situations in predictable ways as a result of, information we have accepted in our subconscious minds as the truth about who we are.

John 4:24, Jesus said; "God is Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth"

Then there are those, who would literally shrivel up and die without knowing what is fuelling our insatiable desire to understand a higher rationale behind our day to day experiences. We are the ones incapable of relinquishing that recurring feeling deep down, that compels us to believe that indeed, there is more to who we are and what our presence on this earth means. The same feeling that will not allow us to accept that we are forever imprisoned to the repetitive cycles of negative experiences.

The spiritual journey for me is the process of undoing all those false mental conditionings, thoughts and behavior that do not serve my highest good. It is the on-going process of delving into my own mind (conscious and subconscious), my psyche, my belief system to make sense of the principles I am so convinced of that are representing my truths and fundamentally creating my reality and then decide, what I choose to release because they perpetuate a vicious cycle of self negating situations in my life.

Spirituality is the journey of Self-discovery. It is the inner yearning of our soul to be free from its earthly prison. It is learning to maintain an open mind for the revealing of things unseen and Divine mysteries not yet understood. It is the art of transforming ones self - in every dimension possible. Spirituality is coming face to face with our self-created egos and diligently going through the process of re-connecting with our innate Divinity.

Most people spend their lives seeking God, which is fine. I spend this lifetime, trying to reconnect the fragmented pieces of myself. The way I figure it, if I can discern some notion of who I am, then invariably I will also understand some sense of the Divine, after all, "I am - In His/Her Image."

I therefore leave you with this question, "How much longer before you hear your inner voice?"