What is your Charisma Quotient

Having Charisma is that special something which allows you to walk into a room and instantly draw attention to yourself. It is a feeling of self-confidence which attracts people to you like moths to a flame.

The person with Charisma commands respect and radiates power everywhere they go. It isn’t something they have to do or say. It’s kind of an inner glow which radiates outward and makes people feel at ease in their presence.

People who have Charisma get everything they want in life… There is no shortage of admirers who just want to help them get to where they want to go.

Charisma makes you irresistible.

It is not something which only some can have. It is in all of us and can be developed.

It’s just a matter of getting in touch with it…of activating it.

Charisma can make you a master salesperson. It can make you influential.

One of the benefits of tapping into this “source” is that ability to connect with people. The ability to have instant rapport with someone.

Another is the ability to “float” through life. Not expending energy unnecessarily.

Elvis had it. James Bond had it. Princess Diana and Mother Teresa had it.

There are people in all walks of life that have that confidence…that optimism.

Your DNA has little to do with Charisma. It seems to be more of a learned trait than anything else.

One way of capturing this sometimes illusive ability is to emulate someone who has “it”. Everybody knows someone who is popular, loves life and seems to get everything they want easily.

When you are in their company, notice how they draw glances…how they interact easily with others. How they conduct themselves with dignity.

See yourself being and acting as they do. Incorporate the feeling that comes with living life with ease and grace.

Take deeper breaths and draw out your inner voice. It’ll be more powerful and enthusiastic...

Look on the bright side of everything… Relax more than you ever have. See yourself as being successful in every way.

Be the new you.. See it. Feel it. Be it..

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