What is Your Inborn Operating System and Killer App?

At birth you had some killer apps, including a personal GPS system. It tells you whether or not the turn, the choice, you are about to make will get you to where you want to go. It shines light upon the best road to take to achieve your dreams. When you use this nifty little innate app you steer clear of a life lived unfulfilled with a quiet desperation.

Like many apps on our mobile phones, you may have forgotten that you have it, or not use it very often. Maybe you've allowed your batteries to run down. Or, you just may not be paying any attention to the darn thing at all!

This powerful app syncs up with your emotions. Emotion indicate whether or not you are about to make - or have made - a good choice. Positive emotions are originated by your True Self. Negative emotions are the work of your Inner Critic.

Your True Self has the innate wisdom to turn dreams into reality. This intuitive knowledge guides you every step, every turn, on your way to the manifestation of all that you desire.

Simply put, your GPS will trigger a bad feeling if you're headed in the wrong direction. Similarly, if you're headed towards achieving what would make your heart sing you will feel good! Your emotions artfully guide you every moment of every day.

As the originator of all that you experience, you are a masterful artist! You create the good stuff, and the bad. The question is merely what part of you are you allowing to direct what you create? Are you empowered by your app-enabled True Self or the part of you that choses to turn off your apps out of self-fear and doubt?

If your operating system is running on frightful insecurity then you have installed the Inner Critic OS that, like a virus, cancels out your GPS app.

Use your GPS app to guide you as you make all of your choices, big and small. Let's say you go to the store and notice that the cashier didn't ring up the correct price for an expensive item. Instead of charging you $547.95 she only rang up $47.95. What would you do?

Some people will tell you to consider it a lucky day and bolt out of the store as fast as you can. That choice could provide a few moments of joy. Getting an unexpected bargain is fun!

However, it won't be long before a creepy feeling may come over you. You may start to think of yourself as a cheater. Will the cashier get into trouble? Will she get fired over her costly mistake?

Every time you look at your purchase you see a dark murky aura surrounding it. You slink into the mire of ill gotten gains. Your moment of elation has turned into a heavy weight upon you.

Your GPS is telling you to clear the air. It is sending a strong signal that, as a cheater, you are headed in the wrong direction. Cheating is against what you value. Its not who you are - unless you allow yourself to live in violation of all that you hold true.

What will you do? Will you go back to the store to return to honesty or will you continue to carry the weight of dishonesty. One will lead you to a life fulfilled, the other to a life of quiet desperation.

Use your killer app. It will always serve you well.

"Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible player." - Albert Einstein