What Is Your Vision?

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."

-Henry David Thoreau

Are you working in a job that doesn't have an end? Has the daily grind and routine clouded your vision of how you would like to live? So many of us get so caught up in getting through the day that we become robots and we accept that how things are is the way they will always be.

For those of you who love your jobs and your life, go out and celebrate. For those who only wish there was another way, it all starts with a vision. The problem is we are so consumed with the stresses in our lives, i.e. bills, kids, problems, toxic people, bosses, deadlines etc. that it becomes our only focus.

We stopped dreaming just to survive. Most of our energy is expended on worries, fears and anger instead of hope, faith and peace. Now is that any way to live? Yet, I see it all the time. People have become so short sighted just to get by that they lose sight of their future.

Having a vision of how you want to live your life is the first step in making it a reality. You may not know how it will happen or when but if you start to take some of that wasted energy and use it toward envisioning yourself living the way you want you will begin the process of manifesting it into your life.

I know for some of you it sounds hocus-pocus but I can assure you that the Laws of Attraction are working in your life whether you believe it or not. What you focus on you WILL attract into your life, it's as simple as that.

Just take a minute and think about what you are focused on most of the time and then take a look at your life. How's that working out for you?

Start to take time each day to imagine yourself living the way you want. Learn how to change your thoughts from negative, worrisome thinking to those that will elevate your mind and your mood and take you to a better place.

There is one thing that can make the biggest difference in your life and that is learning to focus on what you want, not on what you don't want. So, decide to dream again, keep your vision in the forefront of your mind and leave the rest behind.