Who Is Jim Edwards and Why Is He One of My Mentors and Heroes?

Who Is Jim Edwards and Why Is He One of My Mentors and Heroes?

 by: Chris J Lloyd

Jim is best known in the internet marketing field. I first came across him through his ebook 'Turn Words Into Traffic' and the audio course 'Affiliate Marketing Blueprint', both of which are partly responsible for my site coming into existence!

I love Jim's straight talking style and sense of humour, so when he announced that he was launching a program describing how he turned his life around from being bankrupt and living in a trailer to his present day success, I couldn't wait to get hold of a copy.

I wasn't disappointed! In his typical 'pull no punchs' style, he has analyzed exactly what he did and distilled it into a dynamic 5 step system anyone (even me!) could follow.

If you prefer to hear from a 21st century success story in modern day language rather than read the classics, I highly recommend you check it out.

How may light bulbs went off in my head? 5/5