Who Makes You Better?

Who Makes You Better?

 by: Shari Peace

Commit to spending time only with people who are working to have a good life. Negative or lazy people will discourage you and bring you down to their level. As an old English saying goes, “Keep company with those make you better.”

Who makes you better? In other words:

  • Who helps you to see what’s great about yourself?

  • Who motivates you to get the kind of results they achieve?

  • Who has truly oriented to serving other people with kindness?

  • Who wants to help you succeed?

Henry Ford said one of his secrets to success was to spend time only with people who brought out the best in him. And, really, why would you want to spend time with anyone who doesn’t help you to do better?

Mark Twain may have said it best:

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”