It’s possible to gain a degree entirely online. This is a relatively new phenomenon, though it’s really an extension of the distance learning option long favoured be universities.
Studying for a degree online benefits both the student and the university. The student can fit her studies around her family and work commitments. And the university can save on physical classroom space, not to mention the need to supply the student with printed study materials.
They can read this off their computer, or print it off themselves.
You can also combine online study with real lectures so you’ve got the best of both worlds. Part of your time you go into university and meet real people, and the rest of the time you use the communication powers of the internet.
There are endless possibilities in studying for an online degree. I hope that this helps you to see what’s available, and starts you on your path to gaining an online degree.
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About the Author
Matt Russell has recently created as a resource for anyone interested in studying for an online degree. He has wide interests and often writes about them as