Will Your Life Mysteriously Change For The Better

If fear is your primary motivator in life, then you
need to do something about it. It’s no use thinking,
"next time I’ll do things differently" or "that will
never happen to me again", while you continue to fill
your mind with the same daily routine, the same
negative thoughts and actions.

Of course it will happen again! Stop trying to kid
yourself into believing that things will mysteriously
change for the better - they won’t. You need to take
action now.

Make your life positive!

Make your thoughts positive!

And make your actions positive!

You need to retrain your brain so that it responds
differently to the environment you surround
yourself with. If your environment is negative and
contributing to your self-doubt and low self-esteem
you need to change the environment you surround
yourself with.

If you feel that your family, friends, or workplace
are pulling you down, have the courage to be positive.
It’s always easier to see the worst in a situation,
rather than looking for the ‘silver lining’.

From this moment on, begin to see the positive forces
in your life. Use that positive energy to retrain
your brain into a dynamic force. You’ll not only
begin to see yourself differently, but other people
will begin to see you, and treat you, differently.

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