You Are In Control!

You can control your own actions and reactions. You can
control others. You can control the situation. It is
your choice.

Seriously, you can. I am going to show you how you can

do this. What you are about to discover is so easy and

unique, everyone can do it. Our world would be better


If someone told you "You're getting fat", how would you
react? If someone told you "You're getting gray," how
would you react? Would you be hurt, angry, or make a
joke of it?

You have a choice. You choose your behavior and how you

react to other people's communications and behavior.
It is your decision to use your personality positively
or negatively. It is that decision that affects your
relationships with everyone in your life. It can make
or break your relationships.

We all have the same personality traits. We are
possessive, critical, impatient, tolerant, generous,
selective, moody, skeptical, stubborn, adventurous,
plus 58 other traits.

Generosity appears to be a nice trait to have, right?
Not when it is used to the extreme, then it becomes

Possessiveness appears negative? Possessive people do
hoard things, people, and time. On the positive side,
they do work towards security, and make good managers
and providers.

Once you understand this, you will realize you can
control the situation. You can manipulate and use the

person or the situation.

You can use this knowledge to your advantage or
disadvantage, positively or negatively.

When you act positively you will bring out the positive

in others, including children. When you act negatively

others will react negatively, including children.

What you project comes back to you!

If you are act positively towards people, they will
know it, and that will be related back to you.

Now, what can you do with this information? You can
use it to manipulate and control the person and/or the

The control comes from you using it positively or
negatively. It is your choice.

How do you know if someone is possessive, generous,
tolerant, moody, selective?

Kathy Thompson is a writer, speaker, coach, who helps
people succeed in business and life using Face
Reading! "19 Tips To Improve Your Relationships"
can help you control your life. Check it out at;
Or Contact Kathy at;

About the Author

With a B. S. in
Business Communications, Kathy has taught her self-improvment
programs around the country at various businesses
and Adult Education Centers.

She writes and speaks about succeeding in business
and life. Her
unique specialty of "Face Reading" has brought
her plenty of media attention.

Kathy's goal is to help you be all you can
be and reach your potential.