Your Glass Is Half Full!

When most people are confronted with
a change in their lives that they didn't
want, such as death or divorce, negative
feelings start setting in. These people
start looking at everything in their lives
with a "glass half empty" attitude. Are
you doing that? Are you looking at every
aspect in your life with a critical eye?
Are you finding that you are dissatisfied
with everything in your life? Are you
wondering why you don't have more?
Do you look around you and only see
everything you don't have?

We all want more. We want more for us,
more for our children. We see the best
on the rich and famous and we want that
for ourselves. Realistically we all know
that it isn't possible. Yet we are still hoping,
buying lottery tickets by the millions. Some
how we equate money with happiness.
When we see those rich and famous
people with their big white smiles....
they sure do look happy!

Of coarse money can't hurt! We should
always try to improve ourselves, our lives
in every way, personally and monetarily.
But these things don't happen overnight,
it takes time to build and rebuild. In the
meantime you must be happy with your
life the way it is now. You must look at
your life and say, "If this is all there is,
I am happy, I am content."

By always looking at what you don't have,
you are living a dissatisfied life. You can
continue to live your life this way but you
won't have a happy or content life. You
will always be saying, " When I get this
I'll be happy." Most people with this attitude
are still unhappy when they get what they
want. They are still dissatisfied. This
current achievement doesn’t mean anything
to them anymore. They have already
seen something else they want and they
are striving for that.

Even after a traumatic experience like
death or divorce, you must look at the
positive side of your life. Don't continually
look at what you don't have in your life,
there really isn’t any point to that, this
attitude is non-productive. Look at what
you DO have!

Write down on a piece of paper everything
in your life that you like. Write down
everything in your life that is going well
for you. Some of these positive points
would be, your children, your health, your
family, and your friends. You can expand
on that. Get all negativity out of your mind!
Write down everything you like about
yourself personally. Your kindness, your
strength, your compassion, your intelligence.
Include what you think is the smallest detail.
If it’s part of your life then there isn’t any
small detail. Do you have nice eyes?
Put that down!

Watch your list grow!!!
Keep this list and review it every time you feel
dissatisfied. Over time you will not need to
look at the list on paper, you will have the
security of knowing what a wonderful blessed
person you really are!

Your glass is not only half full, it’s filling up fast!!

About the Author

Liz Wertman
"Divorce Strategy for Men and Women."
Your guide through the maze of divorce!