Your Personal Renaissance

Lately my mind has been inexplicably drawn to two very important
women in my life. I have seen neither of these women in thirty
years, yet their influence remains. Miss Foley and Mrs. Anderson
both taught at Linden Avenue Elementary School. I can still see
their faces, hear their voices, and if I am really quiet, I can smell
Miss Foley's perfume and hear the sounds of Mrs. Anderson's
second grade classroom from the perspective of the coatroom.

Miss Foley taught me to read. Mrs. Anderson taught me to learn
from what I was reading.

These two women brought about an awakening in my life. They
guided me from illiteracy to artistry. It was in the second
grade I discovered expression through haiku and creative
writing, spinning tales regularly for myself and anyone else who
I perceived was interested. Influential partners and teachers in
our lives are Transformers. Revolutionaries. Together, they
have the power to change humanity.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Scholarship is to be created not
by compulsion, but by awakening a pure interest in knowledge.
The wise instructor accomplishes this by opening to his pupils
precisely the attractions the study has for himself."

Lately I have been awakened through personal study of the
Renaissance period in history.

Renaissance. Merriam Webster tell us it can mean a specific
period of time in Human history following the Middle Ages or
it can point towards a period of revival or renewal. Finally,
it can be a personal experience of an expansion in artistic
and intellectual activity.

When an old year becomes history and we are given a fresh new
calendar, suddenly the possibilities glisten and glean before
our eyes. We stand taller, we make new commitments. We
sometimes stand courageous where before we would stand in
the place of fear.

All because we turn the page of a calendar from one year to
the next.

A couple years ago there was quite a period of unsettle as
people concerned themselves with the year 2000. All that
negative, nervous energy was for naught. Worldwide,
humanity collaborated to make a smooth transition from one
millenium to the next.

You can make a smooth transition, today, to stand tall and
courageous in Your New Renaissance.

My theme for the year 2002 is "My New Renaissance:
Honoring All of Me."

Even writing that brings a smile to my face. A Re-birth.
A time to love each aspect of myself be it the terrific, the
so-so or the things I-am-not-so- proud-to- admit. The word
"honor" reflects my willingness to respect myself as I respect
others in my life. In honoring myself, my commitment to
honoring others is rooted even more deeply and authentically.

In the Renaissance period of history, the People coming out of
the Middle Ages began to look back to the Classical Period of
Greek and Roman history to glean what they could from thinkers
such as Aristotle and Plato. Socrates and Epictetus. They did
not want to go BACK to the classical period: they wanted to learn
the lessons and apply those lessons to their lives more than
twelve centuries later.

In the Renaissance period of your life, may you look back at
your history and learn from those significant lessons and apply
the knowledge gained to the person you are today 15,
20, 5 or 30 years later.

It is not hiding from the past as many in Medieval times wanted
to do, instead it is embracing it. Taking the time to
understand it. And then leaving behind what does not fit the
current you and transform what remains into something
positively glorious.

When each one of us commits to our own renaissance, the
world as we know it can change. Committing to your awakening
is also committing to the planet. It is committing to your
first grade teacher and your little league coach and your drama
teacher and your grandparents.

It is saying "YES! I will leave this place better than when I
arrived. I dedicate myself to rebirth in my life. I pledge to
the ongoing forward movement that comes with personal
renaissance. And Yes, I commit to recognizing when hurdles show
up in my path I will take the time to learn the lesson of the
hurdle and continue the path."

One of my favorite quotes is from American Poet, Robert
Frost: "Two roads diverge in a wood, and I took the one less
traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

Expanding in Your New Renaissance will create an environment
that will bring about amazing an transformation for all of us.

Here is your challenge: Create a pledge, commitment or
dedication to your personal renaissance in your own words.
Write them down. Speak them aloud. Memorize them.

Live accordingly.

You will make all the difference.

About the Author

Julie Jordan Scott is a Personal Success Coach who left her career
as a government bureaucrat and built a successful business in less
than six months.
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