by: Terrence Drumm
Every website needs traffic, in order to get traffic people need to know and find your website. There are many ways to increase traffic some free some cost. But like anything else word of mouth is the best. Here are 7 ways to increase Traffic cheaply.
1) Submit your website to search engines preferably the major engines such as google and yahoo. Google has a free submission and Yahoo has a free and payed submission depending where you want placed but there are better ways to spend that money so use the free.
2) Submit your website to free directories such as This increase your link popularity which increases your odds of having higher listings on search engines that rate based of off link popularity such as google.
3) Get involved in a free link exchange.
4) Write Articles and offer them up for reprint with your resource box. Doing this increases your link popularity plus adds your link to many other sites that use your content.
5) Use rss, lots of people are now using rss readers. Using rss allows them to be updated when you change your website rather than them having to stop in to check whether or not you have updated.
6) Pay-per Click ads are the only real cost I would recommend using if you have the money to spend on them. There are a number of businesses out there that offer this, the best ones are Overture and Google’s adsense.
7) Join a discussion board with similar topics and put your address in your signature this way they will see your signature and may be interested and click and explore your site, even if you don’t get any clicks from the forum you will still get a increase in link popularity.
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