I have been reading at forums and networks that the use of SEO tools and automation of SEO is an evil for SEO. At times even i feel that certain things done manually give far more better results than done automatically. Articles written and submitted manually are more genuine and unique. The moment you start using tools for writing your articles uniqueness dies. Even with this statement I say tools are important for SEO you must have the right kind of tools that help save time. There are tools that help you to post an article in 50 different ways and on 50 different blogs but you write it yourself. Automation is good but it should not eat up your creativity.
It is being said that manual labor is good but if you spend more time is creativity and in planning your link building campaign then your work would be smarter. There are SEO tools that help you to post your article on all on various blogs from one place. This SEO tool does not cripple the quality of SEO but it helps you and saves your time.
Why do I use SEO tools?
To speed up the SEO process
Machines are better and faster at collecting and processing information than we do, so at times it is better that we allow machines to do a few things. I always use a backlink checker to check backlinks for my web site or my competitor's web site. If I start exploring backlinks without a tool on internet then for sure I would mess up my work. Suppose I have to open each page and check it rank on Google tool bar and backlinks of Yahoo then i would never be able to complete any task on time. With a good tool to work with I would get all my required information within seconds without opening pages after pages.
Drawing analysis
With the help of effective tools a lot of time and energy is saved. This time can be utilized in comparing and analyzing data. Tools that help in research are not evils, they are your helpful friends who give you inputs and save your time.
Organized information
With the help of SEO tools we are able to gather data easily and in an organized manner. We basically get the data from one place and don't keep clicking here and there to gather data. when you gather data in an unorganized manner then you may tend to miss out important information or you may even mix up vital information. Mistakes in manual collection and integration of data can lead to misleading figures also.
New Ideas
I keep trying new tools. Whenever there are new tools I try to make use of them for fact finding. It is not only interesting but also provides newer and better ideas. A new tool usually offers a new way to look at the analysis.