Social bookmarking is becoming extremely popular on the internet. With so many internet users today and so many wonderfully informative websites around, social bookmarking is a great way to get in touch with the websites that interest you without spending hours going through traditional search engine results.
Social bookmarking does more than provide you with articles and websites that interest you. They also provide you with an opportunity to share your stories and favorite websites with family members, friends and even strangers.
Choosing which social bookmarking sites to use will probably be the most difficult decision because there are hundreds of great sites. While many of them are very similar, each may have their own unique features.
Although sites like Facebook and Twitter are more often referred to as social networking sites, they're two very popular sites for making friends and sharing interests. However, navigation for people just looking for specific topics is not quite as easy as with many of the social bookmarking sites.
Some of the more common social bookmarking sites include StumbleUpon, Digg, Technorati Favorites, PlugIM,, Ma.gnolia, Blinklist, Propeller and Bumpzee. Keep in mind that these are just a few of the many social bookmarking sites around. Currently there are over 200 sites. Don't be afraid to check a few of them out to see what you think.
You may also want to become a member of a couple of the sites as well. Some of the bookmarking sites require you to join before you can submit anything, but others will allow you to submit and search without joining. These may be the ones that will interest you the most until you really get the hang of social bookmarking. It will also give you a chance to see what each of your favorites have to offer you.
Many user like Digg because you have the choice to vote (Dig it) on an article or bury it. The way the article is dug or buried will determine how high or low on the rankings it shows up. One of the oldest and most popular social bookmarking sites is You'll find a lot of interesting things on this site. StumbleUpon is equally popular.
Ma.gnolia is a social bookmarking site that offers many features for community building, which is very popular on the web today. If you're just beginning social bookmarking sites, you may want to try Blinklist. It's simple to use, easy to understand and offers many great features. One of the first things you'll want to do when you find a social bookmarking site is install the button on your web browser. This is a very simple procedure and will make it much easier to use the social bookmarking sites.