Once you have finished with your web site development you need to find a web server to host your website. There are some ways to go about this task. IT is a simple task provided you have access to internet. If you are accessing internet through your college or work place then it is best that you inquire with our office for allowing you to publish web pages using their web server. All you need to do is get in touch with the system administrator or the webmaster. If you intend to publish your site on an independent web server then all you have to do is search on the web for web sites which rent out web space. There are many sites which do this for free also, that are they do not charge money for hosting sites on their servers.
It is important that you created meaningful directories and place your files accordingly into them rather than to have them scattered all over the system. Keeping files into meaningful directories not only organizes your work but also makes your site very portable across servers. It also reduces the possibility of encountering broken links. Remember always to use relative path while hyper linking file
If you do not have access to the internet from your college or office then you can access internet through an internet services provider or via a commercial online service. Of course this method may cost you money and there may be space and script restriction. You can clarify these issues with the ISP or the commercial service that you plan to use.
There are many services available on the internet that provides assistance on web publishing. They not only provide disk space but also ftp and other programs for you to help upload files to their server. These commercial online services SEO Denver have to webmaster/ administrator or a team, which maintains the server so that it is running all the time.
Most of the commercial internet service providers SEO Colorado give web space on their own server and your account name is added on to the server address.
When you run your web site on a server maintained by someone else then you may have to face a lot of restrictions in terms of space, script and even content in some cases. Moreover, you also have to pay for the service that you use from the server.
By setting up your own server a lot of these problems can be erased. The main advantage is that you can publish what you want on your server. Once you have your own web server then you can run scripts, CGI or any other form of feature without depending on any service provider.
But for setting up your own web server you need to cover up the cost, Maintenance and have good technical knowledge. You need to acquire a computer net work with internet access on it and then have the technical expertise to decide what kind of server it should be, that is, for instance, Apache or IIS.