Do CBMaximizer and Affilliate Sensor Conflict With Adsense?

Theres been a lot of questions as to what kind of affiliate scripts you can include on your webpages without jeapordizing your adSense account. Well, if you examine the differences between Affiliate Sensor, and CBMaximizer, I think you can gain some insight into this question.
Both of these scripts are based on the Clickbank marketplace, and pull their data and links from their collection of digital products. However, thats about the only way in which they are similar.
First of all, Affiliate Sensor keeps 10% of any revenue from your AfSE generated ClickBak sales. CbMaximizer generated sales commissions are 100% yours.

Secondly, Affiliate Sensor mimics the google adSense text boxes. So if you display them on the same page where you have adSense, you are in clear violation of adSense publisher TOS. However, you can legitimately utilize Affiliate Sensor code as PSA replacements for google adSense. There is certainly other legitimate uses for Affiliate Sensor, and it is a very easy to use and implement script, with great flexibility. Just dont use it on your adSense pages!

CB Maximizer on the other hand, generates feeds, not text ads. You can customize the presentation very easily, using css style elements. You can specify the number of items to display, the categories which you care to pull from, you can even specify what keywords should appear in the header of products for which you pull the feeds. Even more important, your feeds will be recognized by search engine spiders as content, not just a script. (Please note, if your web site cannot display php, there is a java script option. The displayed items cannot be read by search engine spiders as content however).

You also have a choice of randomly rotating which products are displayed, or displaying the products according to their performance in the ClickBank marketplace.

I use it, and I think its a very handy tool. I include the feeds on my websites, in my articles, you can even incrporate them in your blogs...

Rob MacCurry Web Developer, Author, Copywriter