All the literature, articles, experts and e-zines devoted to Search Engine Optimisation inform us that links to websites are graded as to importance by the page rank of the linking site and the relevance of its content to the content on the other site. Reciprocal links are of no importance especially with regard to Google although they are not penalised. The higher the page rank of the linking site the better. So we are constantly berated to seek out these high ranking sites to get them to provide a backlink to our own sites. Often they also intimate how you can go about this but when reading on you are never given a definitive plan of for example how to convince the BBC to link to your own site.
I cannot give any ideas as to how to achieve this either. Even if you were fortunate or lucky enough to get a backlink from a site with a PR of 8 would the link be considered relevant? Only it seems if the content of the overall site was related to the content of your own site? Google we re told looks carefully at the content across all the pages of a site and not just the content on the page where any link might be found. So I personally have stopped trying to achieve such links.
Running a website with a page rank of 4, I am personally inundated with requests from other webmasters to provide them with a reciprocal link. They always use the same standard argument