Driving Traffic to Your Websites For Extra Income

Online business evolves almost entirely around one prime motivating factor, "TRAFFIC". If there's no "Traffic" being directed, dragged, pulled or prodded to your websites then you might as well think of yourself like just another one of those tranquil Italian citizens of Pompeii just before Mount Vesuvius erupted - telling each and every neighbor they passed by, "Things will get better, we just need to stay calm and see this through". "NO", in fact, things were about to get a whole LOT WORSE!

The same is true for people in online businesses; you can't sit around doing the same old thing, day in and day out, believing that eventually things will get better. More than likely, things will only go downhill with that approach to your business. Just like those 'better informed citizens' of Pompeii that lived to see another day; online entrepreneurs have to stay ahead of their competition - and the core philosophy of their motivation is "generating Traffic"! Think about it this; generating Traffic which will enhance your business and your life.

Without Traffic - you're just another fossil someone will stumble upon in another thousand years or so.

Let's put it in plain simple words, "You need to create or shift Internet Traffic so that it moves in ways that benefit you!" Move people on the Internet through your websites; turn them into YOUR customers. You want folks moving about as fast to your sites as those original 'informed' citizens of Pompeii were moving to greener pastures before things turned too warm.

Here's another way to look at this; you've got a new business in town and you haven't figured out exactly where your location will be. The most successful new businesses in any town are going to find a way to get noticed and bring customers to their new front door. To do this, you may need to step out of the security of old, familiar habits - not to mention adding a few new tricks (the Web isn't the same place it was, even a year ago). It's much easier to funnel paying customers through your door from Main Street, rather than trying to get them to change their plans and take a time-consuming detour to an obscure, unappealing place that's totally out of their way.

There are many ways today to generate traffic on the Web using only free methods. Now, of course, spending money with PPC advertising is the fastest-way to jump-start your traffic flows, but many site owners do not have the required capital to do so. Well, you do not have to spend a single cent. All you need is the proper mindset and a lot of eagerness. You must have the drive and perseverance for hard work and research to generate more traffic for your site. Yes, that is what they used to say, "Time or money", your choice.

Well, I want to show you a way that you can follow that costs little or next to nothing to get the results you desire. How sweet it is to have more traffic for your site without spending a single cent. To be honest you will have a better chance if you put some money into the equation, but it can be done totally free.