Effective Link Building as an Online Marketing Strategy

A very effective online marketing strategy is building links with other relevant sites on the internet. This particular strategy targets search engine traffic which is some of the best traffic you can have due to how targeted it is. The idea behind establishing incoming links is that search engines recognize this as a validation of the authority of your site. This in turn helps to increase your rankings allowing you to get more traffic directed to your site. Your link building strategy however is most effective by making sure the links you do develop maintain certain characteristics.

Here are 3 characteristics the links you are developing need to have in order for you to increase your search engine traffic.

Utilize Targeted Anchor Text

When building links be sure to use targeted anchor text on the sites you are pursuing. Use the name of your own site as often as possible and do not make the mistake of assuming the same phrase(s) will work effectively at every site. This is a lazy and sloppy approach used quite often by spammers. The careful and appropriate selection of the phrases you use will catch the eye of the site. This will help increase the 'value' of your link and the chances of gaining an incoming link.

Consider Inbound & Outbound Links

The sites at which you leave your links will have a greater positive influence on the amount of search engine traffic you receive if they have more INBOUND than outbound links. Search engines perceive sites like this to be more credible or influential since they are attracting more links than they are sending out.

Site Relevance

An absolute must when link building is to focus on sites that are relevant to yours. A link is not just a link to search engines. By linking to relevant sites with well optimized pages you stand a much better chance of getting more search engine traffic.

When building links be aware that it is more about the 'quality' of the links you develop and not the quantity.

Link building is a very effective online marketing strategy you can use to help increase the amount of search engine traffic you receive. This strategy does require however that the links you do establish maintain certain characteristics. Search engines are particular as to how much 'weight' certain links may carry and they look closely at the 3 characteristics we mentioned above. Although there is a lot more to it than what we covered here today if you are looking to get more traffic directed to your site be sure the links you establish contain these characteristics.