Gain High Exposure for Your Website

Of all the marketing methods available, link exchanges, free for all pages and directory listings are likely to provide the highest visibility for your money making website. Each of these individually reaches a large audience and can help you obtain a large number of visitors. In fact if you pay for website submission you will find some services that will list your URL in hundreds of directories thus increasing your exposure. The more places your URL appears, the higher the potential for a profitable website.

One thing you have to remember with free for all pages (FFA) is you must continue to repost your URL. In some FFA pages you will only see your website for a maximum of about three or four days, and then it drops to the bottom of the list. What you want to do is repost it frequently enough so it appears near the top of the page. With so many links on FFA pages it's important to keep your URL on top; most people do not read all of the information that is included on these pages. They may skim through them to find something they are specifically seeking or they may look through a few pages.

Link exchanges help you get your URL to many different places. When you choose link exchanges you should choose websites that are complementary to yours rather than those that are competitors. What you want to accomplish is providing more visibility for your website by making it visible to more people. Two websites selling the same products do not want to post each other's links; however, if you sell books and someone else sells music you may have a good match for a link exchange.

The important issue is to take advantage of as many methods as possible in order to ensure your website gains as much exposure as possible. While high traffic does not guarantee you will have a profitable website, it will certainly increase your chances. The key is driving traffic to your website because if you don't have visitors no one will know whether they have a need in what you have to sell. Keep promoting, marketing and selling; all of these factors are the keys to a successful money making website. It will not happen overnight, but if you are committed and consistent you will achieve success. Your traffic stats will sure be growing soon.