Search parameters are the way in which we search for information on the Internet. They regulate what search engines shows us according to the way we structure words and symbols in our search queries. And among all the different search engines, Google is quite arguably the one where most people go to when it comes to searching for content. Google also happens to be the one that offers more customisation options for our searches. And even if most of the time people just perform a basic search, it is still good to know which search parameters Google offers for those times when a regular search is just not enough.
Here are some of the most important ones:
Phrase search: Usually, the moment you introduce more than one word into Google's search box, the search engine is smart enough to show you the most relevant results pertaining to that search. However, for those times when you need absolute accuracy, all you need to do is wrap your search phrase with double quotes ("your search phrase") and Google will present you with occurrences of the term you searched for, exactly how you searched for it. There is a risk though, that you might miss perfectly valid results by searching this way. Misspellings and middle names are common examples of this.
Exclude terms: If you can customise your search queries to include only the exact term searched for, then most surely you can exclude terms from searches just as easily. To do so, all you need to do is add a minus sign (-) right before the word you want to exclude. For example, if you search for football