SEO or Search Engine Optimization plays a very big part in the advertising of products and services offered by internet marketing campaigns. Through search engines, marketers can advertise their businesses and get more hits and website visits. Their success is determined by their rank in the dominating search engines in the World Wide Web.
The first thing you should do in SEO is also the biggest mistake others commit. You should choose the right keywords for your website. The best keywords are not what you personally know about your business. The best way you could find the most appropriate keywords for your site is by using the Wordtracker. This site provides you with the exact keywords searchers use on search engines which are appropriate to your website. These searchers are your potential customers. Through using the right keywords you can get high rankings on the search engines.
Another thing you should do is the isolation keyword method. Most people try to cram as many keywords into a webpage as possible. Most SEO experts would suggest a maximum of only 15 keywords in a page. This approach is quite old. It works but it takes much longer for you to rise in the rankings. What you should do is create a list of as many keyword phrases as possible. And a single page should be created for each phrase. For example, your keyword is