Let us begin with the definitions of the two terms under discussion.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to the various techniques and practices used to attract more traffic from search engines.
CMS (Content Management System) is a software package which enables the user to manage, publish, store and retrieve large amounts of online data.
It is clear from these definitions that SEO and CMS relate to different disciplines. Combining these two items as one entity has many advantages for the users, but the process has to be handled with special care and precision to avoid the many pitfalls on the way. We shall consider some of these problems in the following paragraphs.
Problems with CMS:
In most cases, the CMS systems are not designed for working in tandem with SEO.
Most SEO personnel have a non-technical background and will not be able to handle the CMS functions.
Most CMS users, such as content authors, are not familiar with SEO and its requirements.
Content authors are also not conversant with the SEO tools used to create web content.
Most CMS systems are not search engine-friendly and will negate the efforts of SEO.
Many CMS systems do not allow correct Meta tags with