You've heard so many good things about social bookmarking, you can probably hardly wait to get started with this great service. It's very easy to get into social bookmarking and will only take up a little bit of your time to set it up.
Signing Up For Your Account
The first thing you do is set up your account and install the button on your toolbar. You have a choice of different bookmarking sites to choose from. Some people start off with just one while others sign up for several different sites to see which one they like best. Now that your account is all set up, you can begin searching the internet for all your favorite websites you've wanted to save and share. Once you get to the website you want to save all you do is click the button.
When you click the button, you either'll get a small popup window or be taken to their site where they'll ask a question or two regarding the website you're trying to save. The information may already be filled out for you depending on the site. You'll be asked to provide a tag, which is similar to a keyword.
The tag is how your friends will find your link. You have your choice of using one tag or several tags, which will make finding your links even easier. For instance, if you're on a website about the Minnesota Vikings, you tag may be "football" and "vikings". By using more than one tag, your site can be found in more than one way.
Some social bookmarking sites use a "tag cloud", which is a list of different tags and the most popular ones are in bolder and larger fonts than the not so popular ones. Tag clouds make it easy for you and others to quickly find the most popular bookmarks.
Finding Websites Left by Others
You've just learned how easy it is to set up a social bookmarking account and share your websites with others by using tags. What many don't realize is that social bookmarking is also great for helping you to see what others have that might interest you.
The internet is a huge place with well over 30 billion different web pages. If you had to go through all of them to find what you want, this would probably take much more time than you have! Social bookmarking makes it easy. Suppose you were interested in reading a good book. You'd ask other people their opinion and rely on their recommendations. This is also what you do with social bookmarking sites.
All you have to do is type in what you're looking for and the most current and popular articles and websites will pop up for you. You searching has been drastically reduced. If you find that a particular user has repeatedly submitted stuff that interests you, you may want to add them as a friend. Making friends is a popular part of social bookmarking sites and is a great way to share your interests with others.