Increase Blog Traffic Using 5 Simple Techniques

Some of the most effective ways to increase blog traffic are actually quite simple and strategic in nature. In fact some of these techniques should already be part of your blogging routine.

The heart and sole of your site is centered on the quality and frequency of your blog posting. Without good content there is little incentive for anybody to visit or return to your site. Another important component when targeting an increase in blog traffic is developing an identity for your site that is uniquely its own.

With good content and a unique identity your site will then be in a much better position to appeal to any blog reader who happens by. With your content and identity established you can focus more on increasing your exposure to showcase your blogging platform?

Here are 5 simple and highly effective techniques you can and should implement to increase the amount of traffic your site gets.

Post 'Pillar' Articles

Upon the launch of your site it is often suggested to compose a series of article length posts to establish some immediate quality content to your site. These 'pillar' articles target teaching the reader something while helping to help the author develop some credibility.

Consider making it a 'periodic' habit of incorporating these types of entries into your blog posting routine. An occasional 'infusion' of such quality content will add to the satisfaction of the readers and increases your blog traffic.

Post Frequently

Establish a posting schedule so that readers know when to expect updates. Along these lines the more you update your site the more people and search engines will visit. In this way you are strengthening the loyalty of your readers and also moving up in the search engine rankings.

Relevant Domain Name

Be sure to choose a domain name that is relevant to what you write about. Also try to make it as short as possible so that it is easier to remember and also type into the browser bar.

Leave Comments

Become known within your community by also visiting other blogs with similar interest to yours. Get involved in the conversations and use a signature file to your advantage. Every time you leave a meaningful comment, which is something you should strive to do EVERY TIME, people will have a way to 'track' you back to your site.

Encourage Comments

Always allow comments on your site and encourage people to leave them. By letting the blog reader know you want to hear from them you are promoting more interaction on your site. Upon seeing signs of such interactions many visitors 'passing by' are than tempted to stick around and participate.

Remember blogs are first and foremost sites where visitors like to congregate and interact so ALWAYS promote that atmosphere!

Some the most effective means to increase blog traffic are surprisingly simple. In fact many of these techniques should already be incorporated into your routine. Everything starts with frequent and quality blog posting for this is what attracts traffic and persuades them to return. The blog reader is ultimately for whom you write since without their loyalty your site is lifeless. The 5 techniques we touched upon here will help you keep a high profile within your community and maintain the type content that attracts the blog traffic you want.