Increase Traffic to Your Website: 5 Benefits of Article Submissions
Do you want to increase traffic to your website but have no money to spend on promotion?There is a great way to get free traffic that you can do with no investment. Write articles and submit them to directories. It really is that simple, as long as you write high quality articles you'll be able to increase your web traffic.
Here are a handful of reasons as to why you should submit your articles to article directories.
1. Increase your credibility in your chosen niche
Writing articles is a great way to increase your credibility in the marketplace. You are a subject matter expert and you can prove this to your audience by writing well-researched and high quality articles that provide the solutions to their problems.
2. Increase the number of links to your website
One of the key components of Search Engine Optimisation is off-site optimisation. In a nut shell this means that the more websites that link to yours the more relevant your site is considered to be in the eyes of the search engines and the more likely it is to rank for any given keyword. Now you could go out and spend money buying links, but actually they are not as valuable as natural links, so instead you should invest your time into submitting articles.
You see, at the end of every article that you submit you are able to include a resource box. And in that resource box you can include a link to your website. You are also able to decide what anchor text you wish that link to have. So every article not only brings visitors but it also provides you with a back link.
It gets even better than that though. Most article directories allow other people to publish the content on their own websites; they don't even have to pay anything to use the content, they just have to leave the article and the resource box in tact, right down to your link. Have you seen the value here? The better quality your articles and the more often you submit them the more likely they are to be picked up by other publishers and your articles and your links are suddenly spread all over the web. And all you did was write a simple article.
3. Free advertising for your site
I'm not saying here that your articles should be a sales pitch, quite to the contrary. Your articles should simply focus on solving people's problems and providing them with useful information. But that in itself is a powerful form of advertising; you're not trying to openly sell your products, but you're raising people's awareness that you exist, and that you have the answers to their problems.
4. You will earn trust
If you ask any man in the street the reason why they buy certain products from certain providers they'll usually tell you that it's because they trust the company. It might be because they trust the company to provide the best service, or give them the best price, or even just be friendly to the environment; but trust sells products and services.
You can earn the trust of your readers by writing great content that shows how much your understand their problems and their needs.
5. You can earn more money
This might be the most important benefit for you since the whole reason you need to increase traffic to your website is so that you can earn more money. If your article is useful then people are more likely to click on that link in your resource box and land on your website, from there they might buy your product, or an affiliate product or click on one of your ads. All of this activity earns you money.
You can actually earn money from the articles you write too; some directories will pay you to submit your articles, or give you a share of the revenue from adverts that appear on their site. Of course if your content is high quality you might even be asked to write content for other publishers.
As you can see submitting high-quality content to article directories is a great way to get free web traffic, but it also comes with a lot more benefits that you simply can't refuse.