All webmasters are on an optimization spree to increase their page ranking. Getting more visitors to the sites is the solution that achieves much more than PR. In the marathon the quality of traffic is ignored. What do I mean by the quality of traffic? Any website has a purpose. So the visitors need to be persons who are searching for similar services or products as contained in the directory. What purpose does it serve when a person searching for a Caribbean cruise end up on a site that provides SEO?
What I intend to convey in this article is the necessity and means to attract relevant visitors to your websites. How do prospective customers access a particular site? I always do a search on search engines. Google tops the list of search engines followed by Yahoo and MSN. If you site has a good ranking with the search engines it maximizes your chances of being seen by searchers.
The very first step is to create a site that is very pep and has all the information available for your theme. Constant updating is absolutely necessary to keep the pages in demand. The following things on the site too need careful attention: -
1. Title bar. Your keywords should be seen on the title bar along with the company name. This applies for the title bar of all internal links too.
2. The content. It should be created only after much research and discussions. Your key words must be strewn in the right density on all the pages. Try to keep the number of words at 250 per page. The aim of putting in keywords in the content is for the sake of search engines. Search engines will not detect keywords that are in graphic format. So the keywords should be in HTML.
3. Meta tags. Adding Meta tags also increases your chances with search engines. Clicking on the