If you're reading this article because you want to know how to get some great back-links to your site then you're in for a real treat! I'm literally going to tell you how you can start link building right now and get one way back-links pointing straight at your website.
The first thing you've got to understand is that most people are really lazy. They get all fired up about building links, they go out and build a few and then, as sure as eggs are eggs, they start to get bored. It's human nature! People don't like the mundane and they'd rather procrastinate than get stuff done.
This is where you've got a massive advantage. Just by taking the time to click on and read this article you're proving to yourself that you really want to build links! Keep going at this and you could be ranking on commercially beneficial terms within two to six months.
Don't assume that these are the only link-building techniques out there. As a professional SEO I use a wide range of link-building techniques to create a nicely rounded back-link profile, and there are some techniques that the Link building Services uses. Just keep reading and keep learning. I'm not going to tell you all my secrets - why would I? (Unless you're going to pay our day consultancy fee of course!) But by keeping up with my articles you will start to learn the no fuss route to commercially beneficial SEO.
Also, don't assume that you're going to shoot to the top of the rankings on the back of your first foray. You're not. What we're looking at here is the first link-building steps - that are all.
So what are we waiting for? Nothing! Let's get cracking:
1 - First things first. Pick ten pages from your site and make a list of twenty or so anchor texts to be used in your link building. Use a mixture of URLs (the URL of your homepage and sub pages), key words (key words that people are using to search in your niche) and branded terms (the name of your site).
When you're following the techniques below be sure to mix up your anchor text and the pages that you link to. No need to understand why at this stage. Just do it.
2 - Search on Google for a list of web directories. Just type in 'list of web directories'. Browse a few lists, choose the one that looks the best and start working through it. Depending on the quality of your site, and the quality of the directory, you'll probably get up to a twenty per cent success rate with the submissions. Aim to do one hundred submissions and you'll probably get about twenty back-links.
So now you're thinking "that guy on the forum said directory links don't work" aren't you? So you're not going to bother doing any directory submissions is you?
If that's what you're thinking then you're losing the battle already. You're missing the whole point, you're missing some of the fundamentals of basic link-building; your links need to be spread far and wide, they need to encompass quality and integrity whilst embracing the occasional link from trashcan scraper sites and mass media social book-marking.
Directory links, exactly like the ones we discussed above are absolutely essential in creating a well-rounded back-link profile. So get on it right now! Don't whinge, or start crying because you've got to do something. If you want to rank - do this... Now!