Link Building Strategy - Understanding PageRank

Link building is the final and most important tactic of any successful search engine optimization strategy. It involves accumulating the most amounts of quality links as possible from other sites. Much easier said than done.

This article is simply to explain the mechanics of Link building Services , and some basic direction on where to get started. We will post many articles on the subject moving forward. If you already know what Link building Services is, I suggest you move on to our next article!

"It involves accumulating the most amounts of quality links as possible from other sites."

What do we mean by "quality links"?

Google uses a value system for every WebPages on the internet, called PageRank. The value system goes from 1/10 to 10/10 (only a handful of sites on the internet have a PageRank of 10) They calculate the PageRank of any page by taking into account how many other sites have linked to this page, and what is the PageRank of those sites who are linking to this page. It's a mouthful, we know. Here is an example:

ABC Consulting has a PageRank of 6

123 Consulting has a PageRank of 3

XYZ Consulting has a PageRank of 1

If 123 Consulting and XYZ Consulting both link to your site, your PageRank will still not be as high as it would be if ABC Consulting had linked to your site.

This is obviously a very simplified version, but this is the concept of PageRank.

With this in mind, make sure when you are asking to be linked, and linking other sites - know that PageRank is of significant importance.