Link Building - Ways to Get Back Links and Get Your Website to Rank High

Link building is an important factor that will determine whether your website can rank high on Google this is why we have so many link building services and buy high PR links services around us. In SEO, link building is a continuous process that should be done by the optimizer. By getting more websites to point back to your site, the link popularity of your website will increase. Google emphasizes a lot on link popularity. A website with high popularity means that it is important and Google will rank it higher on their natural search engine result pages.

So if you want to achieve success in SEO, you need to build links consistently. Now, let me share with you 5 ways to get back links:

1. Write articles and submit to article directories. In your articles, you can include a URL that points back to your website. Once the various article directories approve your articles, you will score a number of back links to your site. Remember to use keywords in the anchor text of your link.

2. Submit your website to various search engine friendly directories, or ask the link building services to do it for you. There are many directories on the internet - both free and paid. Some of these directories have very high link popularity, such as Yahoo Directory, BOTW, and DMOZ. Once your submission is accepted, your website listing with URL will appear on the directory.

3. Create Squidoo pages. Squidoo is a free space on the Internet that allows you to create content that you want to share with others. You can set up a lens (or a page) easily and include your website URL within the content.

4. Write unique & quality articles and post them on your website. When your website has good content, it will attract other webmasters to link back to your website so that their website visitors can benefit from the content. This will turn your website into a link bait and get you a number of back links.

5. Exchange links with your business associates, suppliers, clients, and other webmasters or buy high PR links for your web site. These are possible candidates to consider for link exchange. Let them know that by exchanging links, visitors from both websites can benefit from the valuable content together.

These are just a few ways to get more back links for your website. Remember that link building is a continuous process and taking help of link building services can easily help you with this. To see results from it, you need to do it consistently. So plan your link building work properly and make sure that you are doing at least one link building activity every day.