MySpace Website Traffic Generation: Drive Massive Traffic Using MySpace

One of the most popular social networking site on the web is MySpace.

MySpace is a place that attracts massive traffic from search engines and repeat traffic from millions of visitors from their member base.

If you are not trying to direct some traffic to your website using MySpace you are leaving huge piles of targeted website traffic right on the table.

Having millions of members makes it an excellent place for us to focus to drive massive website traffic.

Here are 5 killer tactics to drive traffic using myspace...

1. Customize your MySpace page.

Design your own page, this will help you to bring out your personality. Make it beneficial by including your video, audio, graphics and content that will be valued by the visitors in your niche.

To drive traffic to your site donot forget to embed your websites url out there.

2. MySpace Blog.

Make sure to create your myspace blog.

Blog with myspace, this will help you to create your credibility as an expert in your niche.

Post your articles and inlude your website link out there. This will make sure that you provide valuable information to your visitors and in turn this will also help to boost your website traffic. This will make sure that members consider you as an expert in your niche and this will boost your credibility and they will start trusting you.

3. Classified Ad Section.

Drive traffic using the classified ad section of your myspace.

Make sure that your ads in the classified ads section are keyword rich.

This will be useful in increasing your click through rates.

4. Increase Your Network.

Constantly keep looking for members who might be interested in your niche.

Invite them and make sure that you make them your friends.

Ask them their needs and wants. Help them to solve their problems. And then strategically introduce themt to your products and services.

5. Keep Your Profile Updated.

Give them new valuable information on your page every time.

Post new informative articles, photos or just keep updating your blog with valuable keyword riche content.