Quick & Easy Traffic Generation

Before you can start making money with affiliate campaigns, you need to be able to drive targeted traffic through your affiliate links. There are many ways to do this, and this section focuses on FREE techniques, so that you are MAKING money - not spending it!

To start, you will want to develop enough content to power up a variety of promotional campaigns.

Content is the #1 most important component of a successful affiliate campaign, because it warms up readers and pre-sells the products you are promoting.

The more content you have, the better, but you'll be able to start generating traffic through your affiliate links with only 10-15 short and targeted articles.

The key to creating powerful article content is to keep it focused and relevant. You want the article to provide important information about the topic you are focusing on, while leaving the reader hungry for more.

Make sure that you weave targeted keywords throughout your content, including within the title of your article itself and in the first few paragraphs of your article.

That way, you are not only able to capture attention from targeted leads but you'll also be able to make sure that your content is quickly indexed and ranked within the search engines based on your primary keywords.

Here are the easiest ways to generate fast traffic through your affiliate links and skyrocket your affiliate income!

Article Marketing

One of the easiest ways of launching an affiliate campaign is by using article marketing directories.

With article content, you can simply submit it into the larger article directories and within minutes of being approved, can begin to see traffic flowing to your landing pages.

In exchange for providing them with free content, you get to include some text and links in a section at the bottom of each article called a resource box.

There are a few important ingredients to creating high performance Article Marketing campaigns that maximize the overall effectiveness of your marketing efforts, while ensuring that you receive the most exposure possible from each article that you submit into the online directories.

First, writing an article on just any topic isn't going to yield the results you're looking for, if you haven't first conducted keyword research to identify what your target audience is actively looking for, and the exact keywords and phrases they are using to be able to locate content on your topic.

This is fundamentally one of most critical elements of a successful article marketing campaign.

The closer you are able to target your prospective customer base with well written articles that incorporate primary keywords, the more traffic and exposure you will be able to generate.

Think about the possibilities if you carefully evaluated a niche market, creating keyword swipe files of highly relevant terms and phrases and incorporated them into your content.

Not only will this help you position yourself within the search engines, but your visitors and readers will be exceptionally targeted!

Each article should be between 300 and 600 words in length and provide useful information that your target audience would find appealing.

The greater the number of articles in circulation, the more exposure you will receive, however you always want to focus on producing high quality content, rather than just on the quantity that is being distributed between these networks.

As long as your articles are structured so that you are providing solid, useful content with a link back to your website showcased within the resource box, article marketing is a simple and effective strategy to generating prime traffic.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that you should always use anchor text within your resource boxes, rather than a direct link to your site.

Anchor text will help you rank for many different keywords rather than just your website URL itself.

The most important thing to remember is that you need to create a compelling Author's Resource box as this is the area where you are able to include a link to your website and direct readers to explore your own personal site.

Since the space allocated is quite limited, you need to focus on using a strong call to action that prompts the reader to click your link and visit your website.

The best way to go about creating your Author's Resource box is to think of it as a short commercial, where you are given a very limited time to explain the benefits and highlight the most important features of your product or service.