Rely on Quality of Links - Not Quantity - At the Time of Link Building

Since link building and Link building Services has vital role in search engine optimization so you need to be very careful at the time of link building. Evaluation of links is necessary before you start building links for your site or start selecting the right Link building Services for your website. You need to understand which links can help your site and which won't help. So question is how one can understand which link is going to help, which not?

Answer is here:

1. The site from where you are going to get links should be from same niche of your site.

2. The page from where you are going to get links should be of same niche of your site. Say an example you have loan site and if you can get a link from say page then it'll be more helpful for your site.

3. Search engines should cache the page and site from where you are going to get links. If search engines haven't cache the page your site not going to get any benefit from the link.

4. Page rank: It's vital but not very important. But it's always better to get linked from Pr 2 onwards-cached pages.

5. Outbound Links: This is very important factor. If some pages have around 500 outbound links on a page and if you get link back from the site then there is a high possibility the link from that page won't be counted for your site's ranking factor. Google has a tendency of caching only first 120 outbound links. So any link position beyond that might get discounted. So always try to get link from page with lesser outbound links. Within 50-80 outbound links would be ideal, though they are on higher side, but still countable. Lesser is always better.

6. Links must be from separate class c IP