Hundreds of thousands of online stores around the internet; with yahoo alone boasting more than 20,000 stores. The only way you can build traffic to your yahoo store, is by strategically featuring in online searches. The higher you rank on the SERPs (Search Engine Ranking Pages) for the specified product category you are offering, the higher relevant hits to your website and higher conversions.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the key to obtaining a high rank on search engines. When SEO-field, your yahoo store gains steadily in search engine rankings.
SEO is usually thought about as placing the right keywords in the right spots. However, with the search engines becoming smarter and smarter, this no longer suffices. Yahoo stores use a complex proprietary language called RTML, making the task of SEO integration even more difficult. For your yahoo store to succeed in the race for search engine listing, here are a few notable SEO ideas:
Product Descriptions
Product descriptions that contain strategically placed keywords can bring prospective customers streaming into your yahoo store. Moreover, if a user is searching for a particular product, there are very high chances he/she is about to buy it.
Product Image Names
An often overlooked yahoo store SEO aspect is product image names. Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN Live etc. recognize image names and even provide extensive image search features. Naming your product images correctly can play an important role in improving SEO listings.
SEO oriented Blog
Blogs are notoriously search engine friendly and can provide a big impetus to your search engine listing. A regularly updated blog with SEO friendly content can bring your yahoo store to the forefront of user searches, and also draw a lot of traffic. Blogs can help solidify the notion that you are not a fly-by-night online retailer. This builds trust with the users and leads to higher conversion ratio and user loyalty.
Bread Crumbs
Bread crumbs are amongst the frequently ignored yahoo store SEO feature. Bread crumbs are smart navigation markers which provide an exact product listing position to the search engine, making it easy for them to relate these product listings with user searches on their website.
Meta Tags
Dynamically generated meta tags containing unique keywords and descriptions on each page of your yahoo store are great support to the over SEO effort. These meta tags are amongst the first places a search engine looks into when spidering your page; making them strategically important in search engine listing.
Page Title Tags
Page title tags inform the search engine what exactly to expect inside a page. Poorly and unprofessionally titled pages can prove to be a big disappointment for the search engine and your yahoo store may be demoted in search engine listings. Hence you need dynamically generated smart page title tags to be approved as relevant content by search engines.
With the above 6 SEO ideas, your yahoo store will be all set to gain prominence in search engine listings and provide profitable traffic to your website.
If you are not technically well-versed with SEO, it may serve well to hire a professional yahoo store design and development company to do so. is an established company with RTML expertise.