SEO And Link Building

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is one of the most popular Internet marketing strategy used in the industry today. It involves the use of search engine's capabilities to increase the volume or quantity of traffic or visitors to a website. SEO is different from Search Engine Marketing or SEM. SEM makes use of paid inclusion while SEO involves the use of un-paid or "natural" inclusion through the use of SEO techniques.

There are many techniques involved in SEO. These techniques are divided into two different categories. One is the on-page SEO which deals with on-page factors that optimizes a website to make it more "search engine friendly". This usually involves changes within the website, from its codes to its content. The other is the off-page SEO which deals with techniques which involves factors that makes a website more visible in search engine indexes.

According to many experts, such as those from SEO Philippines companies, majority of the success online SEO comes from off-page factors, such as link building. Link building is one of the most oldest yet most effective technique used in off-page SEO. It involves the use of other websites to increase its popularity in the internet which would also increase its ranking in major search engines such as Google and Yahoo!.

Popular link building techniques

Some of the most popular link building techniques used in the market today are:

Blog commenting - This technique involves the use of blogs, guestbooks, and other publicly accessible websites to leave links which points to a website. This technique, although popular, has also been known for its abuse. According to many SEO Philippines consultants, blog spamming is one of the most recognized form of spamdexing in SEO. Methods used to prevent this is through the use of the "nofollow" tag which makes a link useless in the eyes of search engines, particularly in Google.

Forum posting - Another popular technique used in link building, this technique involves the use of forums signature to leave a link that points towards a website. According to many SEO Philippines experts, this can be a fast method to build up inbound links to a website; it can also produce some targeted traffic if the website is relevant to the forum topic.

Link bait - One of the most powerful form of link building, link bait involves the use of content or feature within a website that somehow baits viewers to place links to it from other websites. Although not entirely an SEO technique, link bait can be an extremely powerful form of SEO as it is viral in nature.

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