There are a number of Internet marketing techniques used in the industry today such as e-mail marketing and banner ads. However, other than these techniques, a few techniques in Internet marketing have also used the capability of search engines, these techniques are known today as search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM).
Why search engines are powerful
According to a number of experts, the use of search engine is a very powerful tool in Internet market. This is because of the approach known as the one-to-one approach. Compared to other Internet marketing techniques, the one-to-one approach involves a targeted user typically browsing the Internet alone therefore the marketing messages can reach them personally. This approach is used in search marketing, where the advertisements are based on search engine keywords entered by the users.
Difference of SEO and SEM
Although both Internet marketing techniques are known to utilize the capability of search engines, these two are considered different in terms of approach. SEM or search engine marketing typically makes use of paid inclusion while SEO or search engine optimization makes use of natural or unpaid techniques.
Popularity of SEO over SEM
According to a number of experts, such as those from SEO Philippines companies, SEO is more effective as well as cost-efficient than SEM. This is because of its unpaid techniques that many could easily learn to use. Many popular bloggers became successful because of using SEO's low budget Internet marketing techniques. However, what made SEO more popular is because of its vast array of techniques as well as methods.
Techniques in SEO
Because of the number of techniques involved in SEO, many experts have divided it into two different parts, the off-page SEO and the on-page SEO. According to a number of SEO Philippines specialists, on-page SEO deals with techniques used within the website while off-page SEO makes use of techniques outside the website. However, like many other Internet marketing techniques, SEO is also known for its illegal or unorthodox techniques known in the industry as the black hat SEO.
White hat and black hat SEO
White hat is the term given to techniques used in SEO which conforms with the guidelines set by search engines while black hat is given to techniques which are usually used illegally or against the search engine guidelines. According to number of SEO Philippines experts, white hats tend to produce results that last a long time, whereas black hats anticipate that their sites may eventually be banned either temporarily or permanently once the search engines discover what they are doing.
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