The concept of social media marketing has been used by many websites from past few years. As a business owner you must have experienced both success and failure at some point of time. If social media marketing is done in proper manner, it can serve as useful low-cost method for doing online marketing. For newbies or people trying it for another time should follow marketing tips for doing it.
As the name suggests social media marketing, its technique is very human in nature i.e. give more in comparison to what you get. You can say that it is a two-way method. First and foremost thing is to establish strong interpersonal relation and trust with your target customers. Look after what type of information they are looking for online, even if it is not related to you, consider passing them on provided your business does not get affected.
Maybe the piece of information you are passing them is not related to your product, service or knowledge, but doing the above mentioned act would create positive impression that you care about your customers and don