Squidoo is one of those authority websites that are often talked about in search engine optimization and internet marketing.
When you are marketing a website you want to get people to notice it in a variety of capacities.
One of the best things to do especially for new websites is to publish content on well known and trusted websites that the search engines trust. Squidoo.com is one of those websites that has been around for awhile and is trusted by search engines.
The way Squidoo works is you create a Squidoo lens which is basically a web page. You can create your own lens on anything that you like. The key here is to make your lens optimized for the keywords that you are going after.
You can use your keywords in the url
http://www.squidoo.com/utahwebsitedesign which will make the search engine be able to find your lens and rank it better. Use your keywords in your title at the top of the page and throughout the copy.
There are several modules that you can use including Amazon, Flickr, YouTube, Del.icio.us, Google and more. These modules make it so you can make your Squidoo lens more appealing to users who are looking for information
One of the most important things you will want to do is to make anchor text links in your lens that point back to your main website or what I call your Money Site. Having an inbound link on Squidoo to your website is very good as their is excellent link juice from an authority website like Squidoo.
Building a Squidoo lens is very easy and should be on the to do list of any new website owner who is trying to get the word out about their website, products, and services. You can always go back into your Squidoo lens and edit it so do not feel to much pressure if you publish it and then later want to add things or make some changes.