Submitting your Web Site to Free Directories

Submitting your web site to free directories is a great way to improve its visibility and rank higher on search engines. While many people overlook or neglect this process, it is crucial for the success of your online presence, especially if you are just starting out.

What is a web directory?

A web directory is an online listing of websites categorized by industry, topic, or location. Unlike search engines, which use algorithms to generate results, directories are curated by human editors who review and approve submissions. Web directories have been around since the early days of the internet and were the primary way for users to discover new sites before search engines became prevalent.

Why submit your site to directories?

Submitting your site to directories can benefit your online presence in several ways:

1. Improved visibility – Directories are often highly ranked on search engines and can act as a backlink to your site, increasing its visibility and driving traffic.

2. Increased credibility – Being listed on directories adds legitimacy and credibility to your business, telling potential customers that you are a trusted and established company.

3. Better SEO – Backlinks from reputable directories can improve your site’s search engine optimization (SEO), which ultimately helps your site rank higher in search results.

4. Increased referral traffic – Being listed on directories can also drive referral traffic to your site from users perusing the listings.

How to submit your site to directories

Submitting your site to directories can be a time-consuming process, but fortunately, many directories are free and require minimal effort. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to submit your site to directories:

Step 1: Find the right directories

While there are hundreds of directories out there, not all are created equal. You’ll want to find directories that are reputable, relevant to your industry or niche, and have high traffic. You can use search engines like Google or Bing to find directories in your niche, or use a directory of directories like or to find directories in your industry.

Step 2: Check the directory’s guidelines

Before submitting your site, you’ll need to ensure it meets the directory’s guidelines. Guidelines can include things like the quality of your site’s content, the types of links allowed, and any formatting requirements. Make sure to read the guidelines carefully to avoid having your submission rejected.

Step 3: Prepare your submission materials

Most directories will require some basic information about your site, including its URL, title, description, and keywords. You may also need to provide a logo or image as well. Prepare this information ahead of time so that you can quickly submit your site.

Step 4: Submit your site

Once you have found the appropriate directories and checked their guidelines, it’s time to submit your site. Most directories will have a “submit a site” or “add a URL” button on their homepage. Simply click on the button and follow the instructions provided. You may need to create an account with the directory first.

Step 5: Wait for approval

After submitting your site, you’ll need to wait for approval from the directory’s editors. This process can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the directory’s policies. If your site is rejected, make sure to read the reason why and address any issues before trying to resubmit.

Tips for successful directory submissions

While submitting your site to directories is relatively simple, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure a successful submission:

1. Choose the right category - Make sure to choose the appropriate category for your site, as this will increase the chances of it being approved and help users find your site more easily.

2. Use a descriptive title and description - Your title and description should accurately reflect what your site is about, be concise, and use keywords where appropriate.

3. Stick to reputable directories - Only submit your site to directories that have established reputations and high traffic. Avoid low-quality or spammy directories, as they can harm your site’s reputation.

4. Keep track of your submissions - It can be helpful to keep track of the directories you have submitted to, as well as the date of submission and approval status. This can help you avoid submitting to the same directory multiple times and keep track of your progress.


Submitting your site to directories is an important step in improving your online visibility, credibility, and SEO. While the process can be time-consuming, it is relatively simple and can be a great way to attract new users to your site. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure a successful submission and reap the benefits of being listed in reputable directories.